
Holiday Safety Tip: FRSC Advises Drivers


Drivers are reminded by the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Delta State Sector Command to be extra cautious before, during, and after the holiday season to prevent accidents.

In an interview with NAN on Friday in Asaba, Sector Commander Mr. Bassey Eshiet made the request.

It was everyone’s responsibility to drive safely, he said, and that included pedestrians and drivers alike.


We beg everyone to take every precaution to avoid accidents. Remember that you are the only rational being on the road and act accordingly by paying close attention to your surroundings.

Take care of yourself, maintain a safe distance from the automobile in front of you, and don’t put your safety in the hands of other drivers.

Make sure your tires are in good condition; now is the time to get rid of worn-out tires. Do not follow vehicles so closely that you cannot avoid a crash in the case of a stop.

If you are planning on travelling a long distance, make sure you are physically and mentally prepared for the trip, and get some rest if you aren’t.


“You will be of great assistance to us if you refrain from driving if you are emotionally disturbed or if you are unable to trek safely; take the prescribed medication until you are well enough to travel,” he said.

According to Eshiet, there will be a presence of policemen and personnel stationed at key intersections and roadways throughout the holiday season to enforce traffic laws.

As is customary every season, a large number of officers will be sent to the Niger bridge during this period. However, the number of personnel being deployed will be increased.


We will establish camps at strategic locations along the route from Asaba Airport to the Niger Bridge so that our soldiers from various commands can gather and work together.

We want commuters to have a pleasant journey this holiday season, so they won’t have to worry about crying on the road.

We have our toy trucks ready to clear the road of any obstacles, and our ambulances are fully operational in case of an accident.

“Just in Asaba this season, we will be deploying approximately seven patrol vehicles,” he announced.



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