
Pro-Palestinian protesters in the United States close Manhattan Bridge


Throngs of pro-Palestinian demonstrators stopped both sides of the Manhattan Bridge, New York, United States, for almost four hours on Sunday.

According to the police, the protesters descended upon the bridge at approximately 1:45 p.m. (18:45 GMT) on one of the busiest travel days of the year.

Jewish Voice for Peace, a group that describes itself as anti-Zionist, recently held a rally at which more than a thousand people demanded an end to the fighting.


The video was posted on X and shows protestors sitting in traffic on the Manhattan side of the bridge while they hang a huge banner reading “Let Gaza Live” from the bridge’s iconic granite arch.

At 5:40 p.m., the bridge was reopened to traffic, according to the police. It was unclear whether any arrests had been made.

Thursday’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in Midtown Manhattan was interrupted by protesters, who were eventually cleared out of the way by police but not before some of the parade’s 26 floats, 32 balloons, and 8,000 participants had to detour around them.



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