
Government of Kogi bans illicit mining


In all 21 of Kogi State’s LGAs, the state administration has cracked down on illicit mining.

Bashiru Gegu, commissioner for solid minerals and natural resources, informed reporters on Friday that unlawful mining had been halted.

Cooperative certificates for artisanal miners, valid community development agreements, or federal licenses are required before any individual or business can explore for or mine any mineral in the state, according to a policy statement from the state’s Ministry of Solid Minerals and Natural Resources.


Everyone is expecting the state’s security services to step up and hold any wrongdoing organization or business accountable. An unlawful miner is one who does not possess a mining license that has been approved by the federal government

“From this point forward, the state will not tolerate any type of illicit mining; individuals caught violating the law will face legal consequences,” he declared.



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