
PQE Professional Qualifying Examination is taken by 15,750 instructors


No less than 15,750 teachers from around the country took the Professional Qualifying Examination in November.

The Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) administers the examination to assess the professional competence of persons in the teaching profession.

Speaking to journalists on Saturday during the examinations, TRCN’s Director of Certification and Licensing, Dr Jacinta Ezeahurukwe, said the examination would ensure that teachers were licensed before entering the classrooms.


“TRCN PQE is taking place across the country; it began on November 23 in some states, some other states wrote yesterday, and the remaining states are writing today.”

“In total, 15,750 teachers from across the country are taking the batch B examination.” We formerly administered tests to over 100,000 candidates. Our target audience is individuals who have not yet registered.

“The exam is required because teaching is a profession, and every profession has a professional qualifying examination.”

“One of the characteristics of a profession is that, in addition to an academic qualification, the person must pass a qualifying examination and be registered and licensed.”


“How do we know you are qualified to be registered as a teacher if you do not write these exams?” So this exam isn’t measuring subject knowledge, but rather professional knowledge of the teaching profession,” she explained.

According to Ezeahurukwe, the qualifying examination offered the content at the basic knowledge that a teacher must possess and demonstrate, but this is also covered in the teacher’s professional standards.

As a result, she stated that the findings will be available in two weeks.


“Because these are computer exams, we anticipate that the computers will be marking as candidates write.” We still take our time to sort through the results, analyze them, review them, and have management examine and approve them.

“Exams written in batches will not result in any malpractices because no two people will write the same exams.”

“The questions are jogged, and each category has its own set of questions.” The question for category D (NCE holders) differs from the question for category C (first degree, Bachelor of Education, or PGD).

“Questions for category B-Masters degrees differ from those for category A, those with PHD.” “As a result, the questions are never the same; they are tailored to your category,” she noted.

Meanwhile, the Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education, David Adejo, praised the procedure and stated that it will go a long way toward increasing teacher quality in the country.

Adejo, who was represented by the ministry’s Director of Reform Coordination and Service Improvement, Dr Yusuf Saidi, stated that it will also boost quality teaching in schools.

He urged for increased support for the council to carry out its responsibility of ensuring that Nigerian teachers are licensed to practice.

“We have a regulatory body in every profession, so what they need now is the necessary support to carry out their mandate.”

“As a result, you will see that the quality of teachers we produce is both desired and required.” If you have a professional who does anything, this will govern them.

“The TRCN ensures that the same person who registered for the exams is also writing the exams.”

“As a result, no one can go in there and write for anyone.” This will go a long way toward increasing teacher quality in this country,” he remarked.

Speaking with several of the candidates, they voiced confidence in the examinations, claiming that they would aid in the removal of quacks from the system.

Dr. Olu-Andrew Kayode, Nasarawa State Secretary of the National Association of Private Schools (NAPPS), stated that the assessment procedure would help to improve the country’s teacher quality.

According to him, the world is going digital, and we must not fall behind as a nation; gradually, we are catching up so that we can reach global standards with other nations.

“So far, the process has been very free; as an educator, I want to emphasize that the examination is very simple to approach and to allay the fears of people who believe CBT is a difficult process.”

“From what I’ve seen today, just knowing a basic computer approach and being able to read and write will help you excel in these exams.”

“The examination process will help to improve teacher quality.” It is critical, and everyone will progressively become digital in order to improve their expertise,” he stated.

Concerning the treatment of teachers at various levels, Kayode stated that professionalization of the tests will aid in the abolition of quacks as the rightful proprietors of the profession.

“We are taking over and with time I know the government also will treat us like other professions,” he told the audience.

Another candidate, Mr Luka Gabi, praised TRCN for incorporating CBT into her exams while urging for an update.

The experience is unforgettable. This is a professional exam in comparison to other professionals, and I understand that passing this exam indicates that the teaching profession has been upgraded with standards.

“CBT is becoming more popular in the country. Based on what we’ve seen in class today, the systems are all functioning properly, with very minor hiccups.

“So it’s quite a good one but we are not there yet, we expect upgrading of the system to deliver effective service to the people,” he went on to say.

Similarly, Mrs Chioma Okpara, a school owner who took part in the examination, recommended teachers who had yet to get certified to do so in order to reap the benefits of certification.



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