
AIG’s advice to newly minted ASPs: Get ready for leadership, and make health a priority


Zone Six Calabar’s AIG Jonathan Towuru has issued a challenge to the department’s recently promoted ASPs: show you can lead in the real world, and keep the peace.

While addressing 47 Assistant Superintendents of Police, officially inducted into the Zonal Command Officers Mess as members, Towuru challenged them to understand that their new positions come with higher duties.

Towuru said the newly appointed ASPs, “I want to charge you to realise that you are leaders of the rank and file in the police units you are sent to.


You’ll need to show that you can lead wherever the government sends you. You have to keep the peace and order.

“Many police officers have a disregard for their physical well-being. They need to be sure to get frequent checkups, exercise, and healthy meals.

He also warned them to keep the Officers’ Mess running according to its established norms and regulations.

Former Commissioner of Police Gabriel Achong also shared his thoughts, expressing regret at the decline of discipline and improper official attire within the force.


Many law enforcement officers sloppily dress in their uniforms. At work, some people show up with slippers and ill-fitting outfits.

“In those days, Calabar had 10 police divisions and there was an ASP that was in command. So you must be disciplined to lead the rank and file.

You can’t promote favoritism, and you can’t ruin the work and the system.


DCP Abayomi Shogunle, president of the Officers’ Mess, had earlier called it a “Court of Injustice,” a venue where any action would be considered a violation of protocol.

Every police officer, he added, must be a member of a Mess, and there are three types of Messes: Officers, Inspectors, and the Rank and file Mess.

Two ASPs, Benedict Okwoche and Lucy Ejuba, spoke on behalf of the inductees, saying that they saw their promotions and induction as a significant challenge and that they would strive diligently to repay the trust that had been placed in them.

Oaths of allegiance were taken by the new recruits (47 in total).



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